solaine 发表于 2012-3-26 05:24   全显示 1楼
at the begining, I could not hate this girl since it is not her faute to try to marry a Tsinghua boy. As we all know that almost every boy have a un unreal dream about beauties in his mind. However, what she did and what she is doing is toooooooo much to stand !!!!
solaine 发表于 2012-3-26 05:28   全显示 2楼
原帖由 TerryH 于 2012-3-23 15:29 发表
in order to express my opinion fairly, i did a little bit a research before the reply.
base on what i found, she is known because of her demand and opinion.
and she is currently citizen of the  ...
I cannot agree more with you !
shall we have more mercy on this girl?
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